Article: Completing the Circle of Governance

A photo of Eric Grant, the President and CEO of Municode with the Circle of Goverance Platform in the back ground.

Written by: Eric Grant

Take a moment to envision working with a partner that could help you streamline your board meeting and agenda creation process, leverage modern tools to give you a cutting-edge website and provide your staff and citizens access to the most powerful online research tools for your codes of ordinances. Well, the good news is that you are probably already partnered with just such a company…Municode.

As some of you may know, Municode has been serving local governments for over 65 years. Over this period of time, we’ve been extremely fortunate to have grown from one client, (Tallahassee, FL) to over 4,500 local government clients in all 50 states. At the center of everything we do is our desire to connect local governments with their communities in powerfully meaningful ways.

With the recent introduction of Municode Meetings, Municode is now on a path that will enable you and your county to take advantage of what we believe will be the easiest to use, most affordable, and most efficient local government platform available in our industry.

Our team of developers is currently working to integrate our meeting and agenda management solution with our website content management system, as well as our code of ordinance platform.  

Our vision is to create one, simple, integrated solution that will empower you to:

  • Create your agendas quickly;
  • Run your meetings efficiently;
  • Draft your minutes effortlessly;
  • And instantly push this vital information to your website, your citizens, and your staff.

Given that we can also build you a stunningly beautiful website, we will be able to push data back and forth from Municode Meetings and your website, e, our integrated solution will enable you to send ordinances and resolutions from Municode Meetings or your website directly to Municode for codification or supplementation.

Our new family of services will make your processes more efficient and make the lives of your citizens better, as well. For years, we have heard our clients share the 

following: “How can we make it easier for our citizens to find the information they are looking for?” Traditional systems have relied on hyperlinks, mega menus and other tools that require citizens to click their way to the answers. You’ve probably heard the rule, “Your citizens should be able to find the answer to their question in three clicks or less.” While that is true, we believe three clicks is too long. Most citizens will only look for an answer for 20 seconds or less before they call your office.

The key to effectively completing the circle of governance is to harness the power of search. All of our solutions can be brought together into a single database, thus enabling your citizens to utilize our industry-leading search tools. Whether your citizens are trying to find out when the next planning commission meeting is being held, what regulations apply to their parcel of land, or when the upcoming county festival is being held, our search tools will empower them to find the answer instantly…no matter where it resides. In addition, by partnering with Municode, we can give you access to all of these tools in a budget-friendly platform that brings you Meetings management, website content management, and codification services in an easy to use, intelligent, and seamless experience.